Monday, March 26, 2007

298 ... 299 ...

300! Yes I saw 300 over the weekend. It was the most visually spectacular, and gripping story of two nations battling each other over ...

... their sexual identities.

And you thought the movie was an accurate representation of the Spartan last stand at Thermopylae? Yeah right! I don't think so. That movie was full of homoerotic discourses. I believe the men of Sparta represent the classic gay community mostly of "white" men with hard abs and chiseled bodies who wear nothing more than a thong to battle. That's 300 Spartans for a grand total of 1800 six pack abs for everyone's visual indulgence. As for Persia, they are the most multicultural of all with not only Persians, but people who look like Chinese, Africans, South Asians, and Mongolians to name a few. They also include livestock with rhinos and pale ape-looking things, as well as non-traditional humanoids, such as goblins, trolls, and ogres (well, to me anyway).

Did I mention the ninjas as well? Anywho ...

All are lead by Xerxes who seems to be an avid member of the S&M/Dominatrix community. Thus, the white gay men of Sparts versus the multicult/S&M/Dominatrix crowd of Persia. Anyways, I thought it was a great movie about happens when sexual diplomacy is abandoned and we have all out sexual war. And if I had a chance, I think I'd live in Persia. Judging from the diversity I saw, I think it'll be a cool place to live, and plus they seem to know how to party.

Here's two spoofs about 300 for your enjoyment. The first is a spoof about 300 as a PG-rated film.

Here's one with some voice-overs to change the dialogue a bit: