Tuesday, June 17, 2008


I was tagged by Ortho who maintains his very cool blog Baudrillard's Bastard.

The Rules:
1. Link to your tagger and post these rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
4. Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

"The Facts"
1. I am an avid billiards player who once considered going pro some years ago right when I started graduate school. In my undergraduate days I was ranked fourth in the western region and I competed regularly in tournaments. I once made $1000 in one week from winning several tournaments. That was a lot of work by the way.

2. I play World of Warcraft, well, for the moment anyways until something better comes along. The fascination of the game has since worn off and I only logon for pvp or chat with my Aussie and Kiwi friends. And in case you're wondering my main is a mage ... and a paladin ... and a priest ... and a hunter ... and ...

3. I'm still trying to quit smoking.

4. My favorite fantasy book is Susanna Clarke's Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell (2004). It's a wonderful read about the art of magic and war in 19th century England. And it reads like an academic book complete with footnotes and references to "magical scholarship."

5. My partner accuses me of being a Francophile. I will not deny it. But I will not admit it either. By the way, she speaks fluent French.

6. I was arrested in San Francisco in a citywide protest against the Rodney King decision ... and I had to appear in trial with sixty others who were arrested with me.

7. I just bought a brand spanking new Nikon D60 for my graduation present. I'm not a professional photographer but I love to go on photowalks whenever I can. I don't have a particular specialty; I guess I'm exploring different styles at the moment. If I had to choose one genre it would be night photography. The technical aspects of it fascinate me as well as the spectacular visual effect.

Hmmmm ... who do I tag? So many to choose ...


ortho said...

Disoriented, you're an interesting person. Thank you for doing the meme.

Disoriented said...

Thanks Ortho! It was a fun exercise! =D