Tuesday, December 11, 2007

End of the Semester Blues

So the last class of the semester ended last Thursday with a nice round of applause from my students. I even got to hang around after their student evaluations and chatted with them as they exited the building. Little did I know that I spent over two hours talking with them about everything. Certainly not time wasted, but it was damn cold outside.

I also got a notice from the chair of my program indicating that my time is almost up. I had to send my abstract, recent conversations with my committee, and a schedule of completion before he authorized an extension of time for my degree. He approved of the extension but I was a bit unnerved at the ordeal. To waste close to ten years is not something to laugh at but to be extricated from the program is aggravating. So the clock is ticking; I have the Spring 2008 semester to finish. I am near completion but I've got some editing and revising to do.

And I've got no choice but to finish it now.