Thursday, August 21, 2008

One Week Left

One week left before the new semester starts and I'm already behind in everything. My trip to San Francisco was great. My younger brother's engagement party was a wonderful get-together and my parents looked extremely happy. There was a hitch with my other brother who threw a hissy fit about one thing or another. Whatever. That's his problem. But my trip, as short as it was, comes with a price and I'm feeling the pain in my head as I'm trying to get things in order.

Speaking of pain, I've never heard of Center for Asian Americans United for Self-Empowerment (CAUSE) but they came out with two public service announcements about voting. They both made my head turn and say "WTF?" is up with the ninjas, martial arts, and Asian Americans with pointed ears? It makes me wonder if we're elves or Vulcans. But seriously, can we actually have "normal" Asian Americans voting? I know this sci-fi/fantasy theme is a way to appeal to that age group but it seems very gimmicky and superficial.

Bah. Whatever.