Friday, December 12, 2008

I Didn't Want This Day To Come

In the past when I was teaching at other schools, I would count the days till the end of the semester when I would be finally free of my professional obligations as a teacher. I would breathe a sigh of relief and jump for joy when that day came. I would praise the few students who worked their hardest for me, and piss off the ones who disrespected me. I would pick up my mail in the department office that's been accumulating over the semester and quickly disappear back into the nameless faceless crowd of other adjuncts and professors.

That didn't happen this time around. In fact, I didn't realize today was the last day of the semester. I know I'll see my students in the future and that I'll definitely stay in touch with all of them. But more than anything else, I realize that I didn't want this day to come because I was genuinely enjoying my time and work with the students of Grinnell College.

I have nothing but praise for all of my students!

Damn, I can't believe it's the last day.