Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Somebody Was Going to Do It

It was one thing to see President Bush get assaulted by a flying shoe. That was already funny. In fact, it was too surreal, like a scene from a Monty Python episode or slapstick comedy from The Three Stooges.

But I was wondering if President Bush was going to include this moment in his Presidential Library? I guess it wouldn't matter to him anyway since the clip will be housed forever on the internet.

I'm also guessing that the Secret Service didn't want to have these news headlines the next day: "AGENT TAKES SHOE FOR PRESIDENT"? It just doesn't work, does it?

But wait! I have evidence that the person who threw the shoe wasn't an Iraqi TV reporter as the news indicated. It was THIS MAN from an Austin Powers movie! (Thanks to Poplicks.com for this one).

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