Friday, October 13, 2006

Minutemen and Columbia University Protest

Posting an excellent video interview from Democracy Now! with Corrina Garcia, Chicano Caucus and Columbia student, and Jim Gilchrist, founder of the Minuteman Project. The student was simply awesome and placed Gilchrist in a position to end the interview prematurely by advice from his lawyer.

Also from the Southern Poverty Law Center, their Intelligence Project reports known white supremacists joining the Minuteman Project. From the article:

Two Minuteman Project volunteers — men who described themselves as members of the neo-Nazi National Alliance — pose near the Mexican border with a handmade sign bearing an image identical to that on Alliance pamphlets and billboards.

The men told fellow volunteers that a total of at least six Alliance members had joined the Minuteman effort in order to recruit new Alliance members and to learn where to conduct their own "Mexican hunts" once media attention flagged.

The men carried assault rifles in their vehicle and boasted that they were scouting "sniper positions."