Thursday, October 19, 2006

Why, oh why?

I just teach two courses in political science. That’s it. Just two. I have an office if you can call it one. It’s a large room where several other departments dump all the adjuncts together so it is somewhat cramped — a very friendly lot. Our computers arrived last week (we are in our 7th week of the semester), and the phone was recently hooked up.

I’m not complaining … not one bit.

But why, oh why, did I assign a 4-5 page essay for the midterm? For a total of 80 students that’s about 320 pages minimum to read of this, that, and the other thing. It is so time consuming and exhausting. And I have until Friday to submit midterm evaluations for the students. On top of that, I have to prepare my lectures since it is a new course that I haven’t taught before. So that’s another pinch on whatever time I have.

Like I said I’m not complaining, and ompared to professors in english and composition, my load is extraordinarily light. I must have some serious neurosis for making my life unnecessarily difficult.

And by the way I am getting paid about 34% less than what I was receiving when I was out in Los Angeles.

*sighs* Back to correcting essay #4 … 76 more to go.