Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Bad Santas!

If there's one thing I loved about growing up in San Francisco, it's moments like these that makes "The City" so unique and my experience so memorable. :D

For the original link from SF Gate:

Bad Santas: Dozens of wacky Santas partying it up in San Francisco as part of the 13th annual "cheap-suit-Santa'' celebration stormed the Cheesecake Factory atop Macy's at Union Square last weekend.

Brian Foley and his pals were waiting for a table when he noticed a herd of Santas -- estimates range from 30 to hundreds -- coming up the escalator, including one clutching a bullhorn.

And they weren't your garden variety Santas. "They all had gore makeup on -- fake blood on them, like Halloween meets Christmas,'' Foley said. "One had an eyeball popping out of his face.

"They all seemed drunk and happy, and they didn't really care that everyone was staring at them,'' he said.

"They came in full force and just took over,'' said Assistant General Manager Roy Feigenbaum. "They must have been here 15 minutes, parading around, ho-ho-ho-ing.

"Jaws just dropped to the floor, and staff was at a standstill.''

And the Santas weren't the only eye-catchers to show up at the Cheesecake Factory that night.

Two hours later, Gary Coleman came in for dinner.

And no, he wasn't dressed as one of Santa's elves.