Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Signs of Intelligent Life

I don't make a habit of reading online comments because a lot of them are heinous and simply uncivilized. But I thought this was the smartest comment that I found in the New York Times:

I’ve been reading the comments and seen the following:

* people leaping to the assumption that the gunman was Muslim
* people leaping to the assumption that gun control would have stopped this
* people leaping to the assumption that an armed student body would have stopped this
* people leaping to the assumption that violence in the media fueled this

and frequently —

* people attacking each other’s comments and squabbling online

Meanwhile, the families of the victims are grieving.

And all I can think about is some words from the late Kurt Vonnegut, that could be equally directed to everyone involved in this discussion thread — “There’s only one rule that I know of – God damn it, you’ve got to be kind.”

— Posted by KAW