Saturday, May 12, 2007

My Life as a Hip Hop Dancer

Earlier in the semester, a student asked me what I was like when I was younger. It was a very innocent question from a very curious student. I initially responded with, "Well back in high school when break dancing first started ... " And then my voice trailed off at the sudden realization that I was around when hip hop, break dancing, and rap was in its infancy. It dawned on me, especially when a colleague of mine said that 2/3 of his students never seen Star Wars, that I felt suddenly ... old.


Anyways, towards the end of the semester, I thought it would be fun to answer the student's question with a YouTube clip, and I emailed the class with an explanation -- just an entertaining distraction during finals.

Most of the students loved it. But would you believe that several them emailed and asked me if I was one of the dancers???

If I tried to do anything remotely like a full fledged dance routine, I think I would have a herniated disc and severe muscle pain for weeks. I may be old, but I'm not stupid.

Besides, I'm a bit more handsome then the dancers. =D


Disoriented said...

Are you causing trouble on MY blog?!?

Wait! Hold on just a second while I load up your blog ...
