Monday, May 12, 2008

And there's another one ...

I still have two outstanding items that are specific with GMU that I have to finish ASAP so that I can get on with finishing up my other commitments. It's two letters of recommendation for two students for the PIA Honors Program. But I got sidetracked with another student's plea for an extremely last minute grade change. Just like clockwork, there's always at least one student who thinks they deserve a better grade. I gave this student his grade breakdown. He scored an "A" for his midterm, but missed several online assignments, missed several class sessions, received average quiz scores, and scored a "B" for his final. His missing online assignments hurt him the most. I gave him a "C+" even though the numbers added up to a "C" for his final grade. He responded with this appeal ...

Thank you for the quick response. I really do have an issue in that I thought I only missed three of the online assisgments. I do concur that my attendence could be qualified as spotty, but I would maintain that I was only absent three times. As you can probably see in your attendence sheets i never missed a class before the midterm and the only reason why i missed so many after the midterm was that I got a job that has me working on Wednesdays sometimes. I avoided work as much as possible because I hated to miss class because, to be honest, your style of teaching works very well with the way I learn information the best. I hate to be petty, but if indeed somehow two of the online assignments were lost in the shuffle it does make a big difference. If would help at all I could resend them, assuming your even willing to consider it. Thank you again for your time. I would like you also to know that normally I would let bygones be bygones with this especially since you are very s
trong in the belief that I deserve a C+, but I'm trying to transfer and if there is anyway I possibly could've earned a B I'd like to explore that option.

Thanks Again

I knew my response would not be the end of it. I wasn't sure if I was aggravated with the fact that this was dragging on unnecessarily or that I had to place my other commitments on the backburner so that I can address his concerns. I think it was both. I immediately wrote an initial response ...

I'm really puzzled about one thing and that is why is this issue coming up now?

You had several weeks after the midterm to check in with me, describe your goals and concerns, and I could've offered different solutions. There were quite a few students who were in some really difficult personal, family, and academic situations, but they took the initiative to check in with me. I advised them, gave them options, and they all did well. In other words, there were all kinds of possibilities in the semester but it's your responsibility to come to me. Going to college is like a job.

I also have additional questions that were raised after reading your email. First, if you say there are missing assignments, then how come you didn't bring that up when I sent out the weekly digests? The digest is there for you to not only read everyone's responses, but to confirm receipt of your submission. Did you not check? Second, I understand the pressures of working on a job, but why did you not inform either your employer or me that it conflicted with the class schedule? Third, transferring to another school requires some planning and preparation, but when did you know you needed a better grade?

I appreciate you enjoying my course, but I have to be absolutely firm on this issue. My final grades are non-negotiable at this point. There is no time at the end of the semester. Furthermore, according to university policy, I can only change a grade if I made a mistake on the math, or I entered an incorrect grade (see pdf link). Neither of those conditions are applicable in your case. Therefore, I cannot accommodate your request for a change of grade. Nor can you send in assignments this late in the semester. My grades are non-negotiable.

I talked with my partner about this. She's in the midst of grading her student papers and she's mildly irritated with some of them though not as agitated as me. She basically pointed out that my response was too intense which might give the student the impression that I am attacking him.

I said, "What's your point?"

"Well he might go to the chair and complain about it, saying that this is evidence of a personal attack."

"And that concerns me how? Since neither of us are coming back what's the point? Who's problem is it anyway?"

She laughed and I thought she rolled her eyes again as she usually does whenever I become ... righteous. For a moment I imagined myself as Stewie from Family Guy screaming, "VICTORY IS MINE!!!" She said, "You should just make it short and simple and to the point. Just say no. Don't provoke him."

I kinda' sorta' wanted to. But she was right to say that it wasn't about the student. I remember something my advisor told me many times under his tutelage: "Be the good academic citizen." Simply put, don't create problems for your colleagues that they have to fix ... especially when you're about to leave. You don't want them to return the misery back to you years later. Better to be nice and leave on positive terms then to risk damaging your future. He was right. My partner was right. The academy may be a large place, but the politics of the academy can be very contentious and petty ... unless you're someone with a great deal of weight and power in which I do not have ... at least ... not yet ... There must be a line from Stewie about the chance for world domination but my memory fails me.

So I rewrote and shortened my official response a great deal ...

I appreciate you enjoying my course, but I have to be absolutely firm on this issue. My final grades are non-negotiable at this point. Furthermore, according to university policy, I can only change a grade if I made a mistake on the math, or I entered an incorrect grade (see pdf link). Neither of those conditions are applicable in your case. I know this is not what you want to hear and I am truly sorry. But there's nothing more that can be done. There is no more time at the end of the semester. Thank you and I do wish you luck on your future studies.

In hindsight, it does look and read better. Less provocative, conciliatory, yet resolute on my position without him taking it personally. I received an email in response saying that he understood my position and thanked me.

The end.